Monday, May 23, 2011

May Getaway Day 3 - The Mall

After finishing up at Ford's Theatre, we walked the few blocks south to the National Mall where we visited a couple of the Smithsonian museums (American Museum of Natural History and a brief re-visit to the American History museum).

We stayed until the museums closed (most around 5:30 each day) and then walked back up the hill to the hotel.

A great day of sightseeing.

Next up - Library of Congress and the U.S. Capitol building.

The visitor's and information center pictured in the background is the building most associated with the name ... but there are actually many museums that make up the "Smithsonian."

Above and below ... the Hope diamond

Big Bear and Bear Cub (fore and background!)

May Getaway Day 3 - Ford's Theatre

Monday morning continued our perfect Washington DC weather ... sunny and seventy.

We started a full day of sightseeing with a tour of Ford's Theatre, sight of the Lincoln assasination. I did not realize Ford's is still a working, functioning theatre with live shows.

As you look at the pictures, note that in 1865 the theatre (while still the same size) housed three times as many seats. The seats were smaller and shoved closer together (I guess the people were smaller too!).

Next up - Smithsonian museums on the Mall.