Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas at Disney (2009)

We've been fortunate to go to Disney World in Orlando a few times, and one of the most fun visits was a couple of weeks before Christmas in 2009.

The parks were decorated for the holidays, the weather was beautiful, ... and the grandparents made the trip! They stayed at the RV campground (which was full of Christmas lights and decorations and really nice), rode the bus to the park with us a couple of times, and ferried over to the Magic Kingdom on the boat too.

Here are some pictures from a great Disney Christmas.
(click on any pic to enlarge)

On the bus ...

A foggy start ...

Weather turned out great!

"Granddad does the dictionary really show your picture if I look up 'perfect'?"

Somebody help me out of this maze!

Taking a stroll at the RV Campground ...

"OK ... is somebody going to pick me up or what?"

"Who's bright idea was it to dress me up in this thing?"

As always, wife listening quietly to words of wisdom from husband (?) ...

"Yes the shirt says it! Now, quit looking at our picture!"

Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The U.S. Capitol

Tuesday of our trip (May 8) continued with perfect weather as we spent a full day along the Capitol Hill area of the beautiful National Mall.

Our day started with a visit to the rotunda area of the Library of Congress.

There we ran into former U.S. Senator Phil Gramm of Texas. Senator Gramm grew up in Georgia and attended UGA, so we had a nice chat. He also graciously posed for pictures in what he called "the most beautiful room in America." He was a really nice man.

After leaving the LOC, we strolled up 1st Street (and this really is "1st Street") for a picture at the Supreme Court, then walked over to the Russell Senate Building and got our U.S. Capitol tour passes from Senator Johnny Isakson's office (they were very helpful and friendly). At the Capitol, we visited both the Senate and House galleries (no pictures allowed) and heard Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN) and Charles Grassley (IA) speak. The House was not meeting that afternoon.

We finished the day with a stop at the new Native American museum and a walk through the U.S. Botanical Gardens.

Another memorable day in Washington D.C. ... hope you like the pictures (click on any to enlarge).

Coming next ... a drive to George Washington's home - Mount Vernon.

Pictures of the "most beautiful room in America" accordin to the distinguished gentleman from Texas (pictured below)

The honorable Senator Phil Gramm (he's the one in the suit!)

U.S. Supreme Court building (above)
The U.S. Capitol is massive with impressive ceilings, statues, etc ... busy but open ... it was a lot of fun to tour.

The two gardeners above really enjoyed the Botanical Gardens ... I did too.

Next time ... Mount Vernon!