Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May Getaway 2009!

Hello and welcome to our vacation blog 2009!

A couple of years ago, this blog started with posted pictures of a trip we took out west (mainly so somebody would know where we were at any given time). It was so much fun, I decided to keep it going last year with pictures of a NYC visit.

This year's posts actually include two trips.

In April, we spent several days in Chapel Hill for a conference ... pictures from that trip will start the blog (I love visiting college campuses so that area was a real treat).

We just got back from our annual May trip ... this one to Charlottesville, VA, where we visited the homes of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe.

No ML baseball game this time, but plenty of great historical sites and much travel fun.

For anyone who wants to see the pics, I'll send out emails as the blog is updated.

* Note: You can see the pictures better by clicking to enlarge

April Trip: First Stop ... Clemson

A few days after Easter (top pic), we headed to Chapel Hill, but made time to stop off and rub Howard's Rock at Clemson University. I was surprised by how much I liked the campus ... it was pretty and not too busy. Basketball arena was impressive and we had perfect weather that day.

Our son ran down the hill like the Tigers do to start the game.

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