Sunday, May 17, 2009

May Getaway Post 5


After a full day at Monticello, we moved into a new hotel (the Doubletree in Charlottesville - I'll tell you why I mentioned that in a future post) and the next morning headed northeast about 25 miles to Montpelier, the home of James and Dolly Madison.

It was a gorgeous Saturday, sunny and low 70s.

We spent much of the day there seeing the new visitor center, the museum and gift shops, and the huge grounds and gardens. Another visitor we kept running into that day was Ted Turner (in a small group of about six people). He was there all day too and left about the same time we did.

In the early 1900s, the du Pont family bought Montpelier and Marion du Pont Scott (married for a while to cowboy star Randolph Scott) turned it into a major equestrian venue with horse and steeplechase races still held there.

Montpelier is quiet and beautiful ... and James Madison wrote most of the US Constitution there. A place worth visiting.

* click on any picture to enlarge

Ted ... is second from right in the group by the tent (blue shirt and hat).

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