Thursday, May 21, 2009

May Getaway Post 7

Charlottesville and UVA

Our last day in Charlottesville included the trip to Ash Lawn already posted, a late lunch at Michie Tavern (pronounced Mickey - like Mantle), then time in downtown and at UVA.

After that, we headed back to Waynesboro for a night, then drove to Knoxville for a couple days before heading home.

Downtown Charlottesville is really nice.

Main Street is blocked off to traffic and is an attractive pedestrian mall with stores, bars, restaurants, etc, lining both sides. Very much the feel of a college town.

The grounds of Mr. Jefferson's UVA (we were informed not to call it a campus) are highlighed by the big rotunda building and a long rectangular quad with dorm rooms running the length on each side. Virginia, North Carolina, and the north campus of Georgia all have a similar feel.

The Cavalier football stadium is pretty nice, and the new basketball arena (John Paul Jones) is very nice.

* click on any picture to enlarge

Virginia Football/Basketball

Michie Tavern
This tavern/restaurant which also served as a traveller's lodge in its day, sits a mile or two from Monticello and has been in existence since the late 1700s. The staff dresses in authentic attire of the 1790s and the fare is hearty country-style food of the type that was supposed to be served then - fried chicken, barbeque pork, mashed potatoes, green beans, blackeyed peas, cornbread, etc.


University of Virginia

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