Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ride Em Cowboys ... Across Wyoming

We drove from Colorado Springs north thru Denver on I-25 all the way to Cheyenne, Wyoming (home of one of my favorite sports broadcasters Curt Gowdy).

After having lunch and visiting the state capital, we headed west on I-80 to Laramie (University of Wyoming) then stopped for the night in Rawlins.

The weather was good until we got near Rawlins, then it turned cold and a little snowy.

Enjoy the pics (click on any to enlarge) ... also at end of post either click on "older posts" or on the post archive to right side.

A buffalo statue lets you know the Wyoming line is near.

Most of the eastern Wyoming landscape was a lot like the pic above ... as you head west, the state gets more mountainous and rugged (and cold).

State capital at Cheyenne.

This monument to Abraham Lincoln was visible for miles (with little else) on I-80 heading toward Laramie.

U of Wyoming and Laramie were both a bit less than I expected ... smaller and not particularly pretty or clean. The Cowboy mascot is cool though.

Inside Wyoming Athletic Department ... not sure why it was open late on a Sunday evening.

Great Cowboy mascot and statue on athletic grounds.

Next stop ... Rawlins, Wyoming, to Salt Lake City, Utah!
Thanks for visiting.

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