Thursday, May 20, 2010

Goodbye Yellowstone

We were sad to leave Yellowstone because it is such a unique place.

On our drive out we spied a beautiful bull elk and were able to watch him for a good ten minutes or so with absolutely nobody else around. It was a nice way to finish our first visit to America's first national park.

We left through the north gate near Gardiner, Montana. I hope to make it back someday.

Petrified Tree in Yellowstone (the only one)

Lamar Valley view

Our second black bear sighting ... they were apparently out all over Lamar Valley that afternoon because we heard a Park Ranger pull over and radio that "we've got another one out at mile ... " A fun sight.

Our last animal sighting before leaving the park ... a big, bull elk ... with no one else for miles around. Quite a sight.

Not really a welcome sight ...

I love to read about America's past, and to visit historical sites. Of the many great things accomplished by the nation, the idea of setting aside vast amounts of beautiful land and wildlife as national parks ranks very high. Generation after generation can come back and see the wilderness in almost the same condition.
What a country ... please get out and see what you can of it.

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