Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Yellowstone Park Post 2 - The Canyon

On our second day in Yellowstone Park, we drove through the Canyon area.

This part of the park (in the east central area I think) had a lot of snow in some elevations, and deep, rugged canyons (it's called the grand canyon of the Yellowstone - and it looked like the Grand Canyon).

We walked about 650 feet down to stand beside the Lower Falls area (the Upper Falls were still closed off and frozen). The walk down was ok, but coming back up that steep path in that cold air in that high altitude ... just about did in one of our threesome (I'll let you guess which one).

We also saw plenty of buffalo, elk, and even a coyote prancing across a snowy field and pouncing on some type of mice (and eating them). Great drive and day.

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