Monday, May 17, 2010

Yellowstone Post 1

After a day at Grand Teton National Park, a night in Jackson Hole, and the next morning driving north through more of Grand Teton, we entered Yellowstone National Park.

In addition to the beauty and wildlife, two things that struck me were the dramatic changes in temperature and scenery. The temperature could go from 30s at night, into 60s in day ... but as you drove through mountains or valleys might dip or rise 15 degrees or so in just a few minutes.

The scenery changed a lot too. Some of it was very mountainous and snowy, other parts were flat and open (especially around the geysers), and then there were the rivers and lakes against the forests and mountains (those were my favorites).

We spent 3 days and 2 nights (one inside the park and one just outside the west entrance at West Yellowstone). We entered from the south entrance, exited and reentered from the west entrance, and left the park through the north entrance (missing only the east entrance which was closed).

We saw too many buffalo to count, coyotes, a couple of bears, Old Faithful, elk, and others. Words cannot describe.

Here are some of the first pics - hope you enjoy them (click on them to enlarge).

Coming soon ... Day 2 ... Old Faithful!

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