Friday, May 7, 2010

Scenes from St. Louis

We were supposed to stay two nights in St. Louis, but the delay in Nashville cut the visit to one night.

We stayed at the Drury Inn by the Arch and it was very nice ... walking distance to most downtown attractions. We visited the arch, the city museum (which is really a kid's play museum), and the St. Louis zoo (great zoo which is free) on the way out of town.

Here are a few pics (next stops ... U Mizzou ... Kansas U ... U Nebraska) ... we are currently in Colorado Springs, Co.

Above ... at the museum under the arch ... great info on Lewis and Clark, all the presidents, exhibits of pioneers, etc.

Above ... view from our room

Above ... another view from room

And another above ...

Above ... sliding down in the city museum

Under the arch ...

Above ... Atop the arch

Above ... a view of Jones Dome from the arch

Shadow of Arch on mighty Mississip

View of Busch Stadium from arch

Pool at Drury in St. Louis

Neat Lewis and Clark statue in lobby of Drury

At St. Louis zoo above

Above at zoo

St. Louis zoo

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