Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mount Rushmore

Our second day in Custer, SD, we visited Mount Rushmore National Monument.

On the drive from Custer to Rushmore, you also pass an in-progress carving of Crazy Horse.

While the faces on the mountain make Mt. Rushmore worth visiting, the gift shop was one of the best I've been to ... as a national monument, it has all kinds of American themed gifts like pins, hats, etc. Very patriotic.

The monument itself includes the gift shop, a museum that shows a 15-20 video clip about the history of the carvings (narrated by South Dakotan Tom Brokaw), a mall of flags from all fifty states, an ampitheater for special events (George H.W. Bush spoke there when the monument was officially dedicated), and a walking path that goes near the foot of the mountain.

A great American vacation/tourist destination (also only $10 for a car ... that is good for a full year).

Enjoy the pictures.

Crazy Horse carving ... this is from the highway.

Scenic views in the Black Hills Forest

Wildlife at the base of Mount Rushmore

Next stop ... 1880 train that runs from Hill City to Keystone!

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