Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Seeking Shelter from the Storm

Welcome to the 2010 May Getaway!

The trip got off to a very soggy start on Sunday May 2nd.

We left at 9:45 AM Sunday morning, and some 7 hours later we were all the way to ... Nashville ... yes we got caught (literally) in the great Nashville flood. All interstates were closed.

We came very close to being stranded on I-40 (we had gotten routed to I-4o W when I-65 and I-24 were shut down. Some vehicles were stuck up to 18 hours on the interstate, but thankfully we had stopped on the way in to Nashville and reserved a hotel room in Brentwood (southside of town). After a hour or so of just sitting, we managed to get off an exit and wind thru back roads back to the hotel and stayed there. Whew!

(Above): Monday morning was bright and beautiful and we cruised through Nashville with no problems. The water levels were amazing and nearly up to field level at the football stadium (it would flood the next day as the waters kept rising).

Above: You can see the Titans stadium in the upper right. This is I-24 W going through downtown. A person had actually drowned near here on Saturday night from the flood.

Above: A harrowing drive was finally over as we made it back to a parking lot near our hotel. If you ever take a long trip, buy a GPS system. Ours helped us navigate back roads to find our street.

Above: This was our view on I-40 W outside Nashville for probably an hour or two. I cut across four lanes to get to the last exit that was open and then wound thru backroads to the hotel. Tempers were flaring as big trucks blocked people off ... a man got out of a vehicle and confronted a guy three cars in front of us because the guy would not pull up. Bad scene.

Above: Some of the waters coming into Nashville on Sunday afternoon before it started raining hard again.

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