Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Yellowstone #4: Old Faithful

After finishing up at the lower falls and the canyon, we drove into some of the geyser basin areas.

These were scenic, but not pretty. A bunch of steaming, boiling springs with a real strong sulfur smell in many of the areas. Several of these warm springs have nice boardwalk areas around them, allowing for a walk (sometimes strenuous) around the geysers.

We got to our cabin at Old Faithful right around supper time. We saw Old Faithful erupt (which it does about every 90 minutes) at 9:00 Mountain Time that Saturday night, then twice the next morning before we left.

We stayed in a small cabin near the big lodge ... cabin was about the size of a dorm room with one room, two beds, a sink and bathroom. It was about 500 yards from Old Faithful. Very cold night (mid 30s) and brisk, clear, beautiful morning. Glad we got to see this piece of Americana.

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